I'm getting ready to head to the garage to get the snow tires removed from the little car I bebop around town in. I know there is snow forecasted for later in the week but I'm ignoring that prediction and putting on my optimistic hat today. Speaking of hats I have a great idea for a recycled winter hat, stay tuned hat lovers. One of my customers who ordered a bag on the website last week reminded me of a wonderful tradition. She was excited to get her new bag before Easter and reminded me of that excitement that you would feel about the new Easter outfit. I had such a strong, warm memory of childhood expectation. It reminded me of a picture I have of my Mum and I in our Easter outfits that I'm attaching. The skirt I'm wearing is the first real garment I ever made. I'm 10 in the picture. My Mum had a friend spend her Saturdays tutoring me on the basics of laying out a pattern and putting thread to needle. Thanks so much for everything Chris Poitrios wherever you may be. I just noticed how my Mum's head looks like its being attacked by her beloved gold toned eagle wall hanging. Oh well, the 70's.